Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

The World is angry, America!

There are moments in life, when one has to be clear, if not a bit unfair, with friends. In particular, when a friend turns arrogant and lunatic. I don't mean Kim Jong Un, the mad mini dictator of North Corea. He is rather a tiny pain in the neck. Nothing more. But if a so called super power goes mad, its friends are alarmed, and they have to react. Because being a powerful country implies a lot of responsibility and does not mean automatic fairness.

The World has let it happen, that a limonade, called Coca Cola, got disseminated everywhere, like a sticky sugar invasion. Together with loads of other products containing sugar, for which the USA have "created" more than 50 different names, this has brought about an obesity tsunami, touring actually the World of those who can easily afford oversized coffins.

 The much admired American super cars, however, got soon dismissed as being a ridiculous waste of energy. The World told the Americans that excellent vehicles could be small and beautiful. The lessons, the US had to take from their fight against mass destruction weapons in Iraq, was that there were none and it cost them a weekly 4 Billion $ (if this is the truth). Where was the profit from this mischievous intervention which has not brought any peace?

Those of us who can read and write, and believe in Darwin's theories, know, that super powers there have been a lot. They all disappeared, like the Roman Empire, the Otoman Empire, the Soviet Union. Wars turned out to become ruinous. Their economic situation became a disaster. They develloped all too slowly and fell behind. Examples are: Guantanamo. It is about time. The secret services. It is about time! Cheeky and arrogant to put countries under pressure who refuse to extradite so called traitors, such as Edward Snowden.

Arrogant and ignorant, to spy out the European Union and individual countries who still think they are friends. It is about time, that the US understand what is going on in this World and from where to take a few lessons. Arrogance has always proved unintelligent. Hypocracy and tolerance do not match. "I love you", the American standard confession, as it seems, is nothing but the hideous opposite of what it may mean in the eyes of honest people. And Coca Cola has not contributed anything to the well being of this World. Nor has the arrogance of an outgoing super power.

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